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Parking tickets
How to pay for parking tickets and what to do if you think that you have received a ticket in error. Here you will find information about parking tickets
Road / Vehicles
Cars emitting large amounts of CO2 will be burdened with higher vehicle tax - malus - for three years from the date when the car first becomes taxable.
Road / Vehicles
Paying from abroad
You can pay the Swedish Transport Agency from abroad. Please note that you can not pay from Sweden to the bank account presented on this page. To pay from
Road / Vehicles
Infrastructure charges
In Sweden there is a system of infrastructure charges in Motala and Sundsvall. From 1 October 2023 also at Skurubron which connects Stockholm with eastern
Road / Vehicles
Type approval
Type approval may be granted for whole vehicles, for a component, system or separate technical unit included in the vehicle. What is a type approval? A
Road / Vehicles
Motor vehicle inspection
The inspection regulations were changed on 20 May 2018. The regulations are an adaptation to the EU legislation and concern all vehicles. Passenger cars
Road / Vehicles
Dangerous goods
A substance or a product can be dangerous or not dangerous. A substance or a product that is not dangerous per se may become dangerous, depending on the
Aviation / Air operators
Driving licences
The Swedish Transport Agency is the central agency for driving licences. The Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Administration share the
Road / Driving licences
ICAO three letter and telephony designators
Latest assigned ICAO three-letter and telephony designators. Civil callsigns Aircraft Operator Three-letter designator Radiotelephone designator Valid
Aviation / Airport, air navigation service and airspace