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Application for a driver's licence
To apply for a train driver's licence To be able to apply for a train driver's licence, you must be 20 years of age or, if there are special reasons for
Railroad / Train driver
Health checks
As a train driver you must prove that you meet certain minimum requirements for physical and psychological evaluation. You can read more about health checks
Railroad / Train driver
Learning how to drive
To be able to learn to drive, you must have a valid learner's permit. If you are going to practise driving privately, you must have an approved accompanying
Road / Driving licences
Contact us - Sending electronic invoices to the Swedish Transport Agency
We welcome your questions and comments. E-mail, call us or write to us.
About-us / Contact us
Commercial transport
The objective of the Swedish Transport Agency is to enable efficient, safe and sustainable road transport services and a transport market characterized
Road / Commercial transport
Information and regulations about rail vehicles, train drivers' licenses, and permits within Swedish railway traffic.
/ Railway
Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg
In Sweden there is a system of congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The tax applies to vehicles registered in and outside of Sweden. Hours and
Road / Vehicles
Export and temporary registration
If you are going to sell a vehicle to a private individual or a company abroad, you must notify us that the vehicle is to be deregistered due to export
Road / Vehicles
Automated vehicles
The Swedish Transport Agency issues permits for trial operations with automated vehicles on public roads. Anyone who seeks permission must be able to prove
Road / Vehicles