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The Swedish Transport Agency is working to achieve good accessibility, high quality, secure and environmentally aware rail, air, sea and road transport
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Import from an EU country
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country. List of EU member states If the vehicle is new If your vehicle
Road / Vehicles
Professional Qualifications Directive, traffic instructors
Now it is possible for the traffic instructors from other EEA countries (or Switzerland) to work in Sweden. The professions covered by the regulations
Road / Driving licences
Import from countries outside the EU
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from a country outside the EU. If you are importing a vehicle from a non-EU country you
Road / Vehicles
The Swedish Transport Agency may grant permits to companies that wish to operate traffic on the Swedish railway infrastructure. There are three types of
Railroad / Permits
The Swedish Transport Agency is working to achieve good accessibility, high quality, secure and environmentally aware rail, air, sea and road transport
/ Road
Application for verification of origin
The service Application for verification of origin consists of four steps, where you will be asked to enter information about you and your vehicle. The
Road / Vehicles
Import from countries outside the EU - 2 3e
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from a country outside the EU.
Road / Vehicles
Road tolls
In Sweden there are two different kinds of road toll schemes, Infrastructure charge and Congestions tax. Both schemes use fixed gantries and the vehicles
Road / Vehicles