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Vehicle import and verification of origin
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin. You
Road / Vehicles
Import from countries outside the EU - 1 3e
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from a country outside the EU.
Road / Vehicles
Vehicle formerly registered in Sweden
Here you may find information on how to register a vehicle that has been registered in Sweden previously, in order to register the vehicle anew. Do you
Road / Vehicles
Import from an EU country - 5 EU
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country.
Road / Vehicles
Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 3
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.
Road / Vehicles
Import from an EU country - 6 EU
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country.
Road / Vehicles
Information for invigilators and pilot students. PEXO log in Log in address: https://www.teoriexamination.transportstyrelsen.seIt may take a couple of
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
FAQ flight training and licensing - I have a rating or certificate on my third country licence, is it possible to get credit towards the required training hours
On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of flight training and licensing.
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Vehicles on islands
Vehicles located on small islands without a fixed link and with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, shall be exempt from periodic motor vehicle inspection. No
Road / Vehicles
Import categories
In your application for verification of origin you should state the category that best describes the origin of your vehicle or the reason for import. The
Road / Vehicles