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Driving licence categories
Age requirements and the vehicles you may drive with the different licence categories. CategoryAge requirementsEntitles the licence holder to drive
Vägtrafik / Driving licences
Requirements on wagons
Transitional rule on using independent reviewers According to the transition rule to the Railway Technology Act (2022:366), older regulations may be applied
Järnväg / Technical authorisation
Provisions on port services
On 24 March 2019, the EU Port Services Regulation[1] entered into force. The Swedish Act (2019:152) with supplementary provisions to the EU’s Port Service
Sjöfart / Ship traffic
Contact us
We welcome your questions and comments. E-mail, call us or write to us. E-mail Send your question or comment to
Om oss / Contact us
Blankett TSTRY1211: Application for car rental permit
Vägtrafik / Forms for road
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Pilot Exemption Certificates (PEC) - application fees
Find out below what fees you have to pay when you apply for a PEC. When do I pay, and how much? When the Swedish Transport Agency has received and registered
Sjöfart / Ship traffic
Congestion tax in Gothenburg
Congestion tax is charged during fixed hours for vehicles driving into and out of Gothenburg city centre. The purpose of the congestion tax is to reduce
Road / Vehicles
Miscellaneous on TSIs
EUs Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) specifies technical rules for the subsystems of the European railway. The Swedish Transport Agency
Järnväg / Technical authorisation
Blankett TSVY7010: Application for permit for regular bus service outside the EU/EEA
Vägtrafik / Forms for road
Ladda ner blankett TSVY7010 -
Accidents & near-misses
Accidents and near-misses that occur on Swedish merchant and fishing vessels shall essentially be investigated regardless of where in the world the event
Sjöfart / Accidents & near-misses