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Blankett BS09648: Service Statement for seagoing personnel
This form is intended for seafarers and shipowners writing service statements for seagoing service.
Shipping / Forms for shipping
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Blankett TSL7608: Application to carry forbidden dangerous goods
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7398: Application to perform Specialized Operations-Aerial Work in Sweden
This form is intended for foreign operators who wish to pursue aerial work in Sweden. Related forms: L1629 Händelserapport privat (engelska) L1722 Air
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett L1785: Wake vortex – aircrew office
This form is intended for pilots reporting wake vortex. It is also possible to report via the Swedish Transport Agency’s e-service Rapportera luftfartshändelse
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Change of ownership
If an aircraft which is registered in Sweden changes owners, an application for change of ownership has to be made. ELT406-emergency-transmitter The following
Aviation / Aircraft
To register aircraft
An aircraft can be registered in Sweden if the owner is a Swedish citizen or a citizen within the EEA (European Economic Area). ELT406-emergency-transmitter
Aviation / Aircraft
Scheduled air service
Scheduled air service is a series of flights where each flight is undertaken with aircraft for the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail possessing all
Aviation / Air operators
Torlódási díj Stockholmban és Göteborgban
Svédországban Stockholmban és Göteborgban alkalmaznak torlódási díjrendszert. A díjszabás a Svédországban és külföldön nyilvántartott gépjárművekre egyaránt
About-us / Other languages
Poplatky za infraštruktúru
Vo Švédsku existuje systém poplatkov za infraštruktúru v mestách Motala, Sundsvall a Skurubron, ktorá spája Štokholm s východnou Nackou a Värmdö. Poplatky
About-us / Other languages
Cuotas para infraestructura
En Suecia existe un sistema de cuotas para infraestructura en Motala, Sunsvall y Skurubron que comunican Estocolmo con el este de Nacka y Värmdö. Las
About-us / Other languages