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The activities of the Transport Agency with regarding to permits, inspections and record keeping shall mainly be financed through the levying of charges
About-us / Charges
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Traffic insurance
All motor vehicles used in traffic must be traffic insured, according to the Traffic Injuries Act (1975: 1410). If you whish to, you may sign additional
Road / Vehicles
Off road notifications/licencing for use
This section provides information about making an off road notification for a vehicle and licensing a vehicle for use. You will also find our e-services
Road / Vehicles
Examiner standardisation course 22 May 2025 The meeting starts with coffee at 09:00 for those who wants. The meeting itself is scheduled between 09:30
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Airport, air navigation service and airspace
Rules and information about Swedish airports and air traffic services.
Aviation / Airport, air navigation service and airspace
Theoretical examination
To obtain a flight crew licence you will have to take a theoretical examination after the theoretical course completion. This page contains information
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Transfer of an EASA licence
This page contains information of how EASA licence holders can have their licences moved to another EASA member state. Holders of an EASA licence may have
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Accidents and near-misses
Accidents and near-misses (including the detection of safety defects) on Swedish railways, metros and tramways shall be reported to the Road and Rail Department
Railroad / Accidents and near-misses