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The Swedish Transport Agency is responsible for the information that are published in IAIP (Integrated Aeronautical Information Package), according to
Aviation / Airport, air navigation service and airspace
UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit
UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation has on 1 January 2021, become a third-country document and is no longer valid on an aircraft operated by a CAT operator
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Third country licence conversions and validations
This page contains information concerning valid third country licence (non-EASA licences) conversions and validations. As a holder of a third country licence
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Here you can find information regarding aviation security. Check of criminal records for aviation security Security Contact Information - Foreign Air
Aviation / Security
Train driver
The Swedish Transport Agency handles issues concerning train driver's licence. You can contact us about application, withdrawal, health checks, lost/destroyed
Railroad / Train driver
Included courses in Swedish certificates of competencies
There are several courses included in the certificate of competency that you do not need to confirm by way of certificates or separate documentation. These
Sjöfart / Included courses in Swedish certificates of competencies