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Blankett TSS7201: Bill of Sale

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

Bill of Sale ska skrivas under av den eller de som säljer ett fartyg. Är säljaren ett företag ska behörig/-a firmatecknare skriva under. … Bill of Sale ska skrivas under av den eller de som säljer ett fartyg. Är säljaren ett företag ska behörig/-a firmatecknare skriva under.

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Blankett TSL7406: Application for revalidation or renewal of instructor certificates, for aeroplane

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is for revalidation and renewal of instructor certificates for Aeroplanes. … This form is for revalidation and renewal of instructor certificates for Aeroplanes.

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Blankett TSL7641: Bill of sale

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Den här blanketten är avsedd för säljare av luftfartyg för att bekräfta att äganderätten har övergått till köparen. Den här blanketten är avsedd för säljare

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Lasta lagligt

Publikationer och rapporter / Publikationer

Download english version about legal loading, weight and dimension regulations for heavy vehicles (pdf)

Blankett TSL7375: Application for direct charter flights for EU operator

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended  for EU-carriers wishing to perform direct non-scheduled services to the UK, that is from a point in Sweden to a point in the … This form is intended  for EU-carriers wishing to perform direct non-scheduled services to the UK, that is from a point in Sweden to a point in the … UK, they can apply for a traffic permit that is valid for 6 months, encompassing an exemption from the requirement to apply for a traffic permit for each

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Blankett TSL7374: Application for direct charter flights for british operators

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for UK-carriers wishing to perform direct non-scheduled services from UK, that is from a point in the UK to a point in the Sweden … This form is intended for UK-carriers wishing to perform direct non-scheduled services from UK, that is from a point in the UK to a point in the Sweden … , they can apply for a traffic permit that is valid for 6 months.

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Luftfart / Information till luftfartsbranschen

Frankfurt, Tyskland Basic Course for AME Class 2, European School of Aviation Medicinehttp://www.eusam.org/*     Frankfurt, Tyskland Advanced Course … for AME Class 1, European School of Aviation Medicinehttp://www.eusam.org/*      Frankfurt, Tyskland Diploma Couse for AME (Class 3?)

Körkort - du har väl koll på vad som gäller?

Publikationer och rapporter / Publikationer

For learners, drivers and accompanying drivers (pdf)

Blankett TSL7553: Request for duplicate of licence or medical certificate

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is used by pilots, air traffic controllers and aircraft engineers to apply for a duplicate of his license or medical certificate because the … This form is used by pilots, air traffic controllers and aircraft engineers to apply for a duplicate of his license or medical certificate because the

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All about driving licences

Publikationer och rapporter / Publikationer

This brochure will help you to find your way through the formal requirements for the different driving licence categories. … aimed at those who are about to take their driving licence, those who will be accompanying drivers and those who wish to know more about the requirements for