
Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 1999 mellan Sverige och Oman. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.

The agreement was initialled on 21 February 1999, but has not yet been signed. It has been approved by the Swedish Government. 

Designation principle

Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one or two airlines. 

Traffic rights for airline(s) designated by Sweden

Points in Sweden - Any points - Points in Oman - Any points. 

Nothing will prevent a designated airline of either Contracting Party to serve any intermediate and/or any beyond points, provided that no commercial rights are exercised between those points and the territory of the other Contracting Party. However, the carriage of own stop-over traffic on such sectors shall be permitted. 

The exercise of any fifth freedom traffic rights would have to be agreed upon between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties. However, each designated airline of the Kingdom of Sweden may serve one intermediate point and one beyond point of its choice, excluding Dubai and points in India respectively, with fifth freedom traffic rights. Such choice(s) shall be communicated to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. 

The designated airline or airlines of both sides may enter into code-share arrangements with an airline or airlines of any nationality whereby any of the airlines concerned operate services under the code of two or more of the airlines concerned, provided that each sector is operated by an airline with the rights to carry traffic on that sector. 

Capacity provisions

No specific limitations