
Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 1958 mellan Sverige och Sudan. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.

The agreement was signed on 17 February 1958. 

Designation principle

Multiple designation 

Traffic rights for airlines designated by Sweden

From points in the Kingdom of Sweden to Khartoum either via intermediate points or directly and if so desired from Khartoum to points beyond, in both directions. 

Any or all points of the routes may at the option of the airline(s) be omitted on any or all flights. 

Capacity provisions

Provision for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo including mail both taken on board and discharged at points on the specified routes in the territories of States other than that designating the airline shall be made in accordance with the general principle that capacity shall be related to:  

a) traffic requirements to and from the territory of the Contracting Party that has designated the airline;

b) traffic requirements of the area through which the agreed service passes, after taking account of other transport services established by airlines of the States comprising the area; and

c) the requirements of through airline operation.


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