Port entry (Port notification)

Ships with a gross tonnage of 300 or more and fishing vessels, traditional ships and pleasure craft with an exceeding length of 45 metres or more, bound for a Swedish port or an anchorage in Swedish territorial waters shall make a port notification.

Dangerous or polluting goods (Hazmat notification)

All ships, irrespective of its size, carrying dangerous or polluting goods and leaving a Swedish port or an anchorage in Swedish territorial waters or coming from a port located outside the Community and bound for a Swedish port or an anchorage in Swedish territorial waters shall make a hazmat notification.
Ships with a gross tonnage of 1000 or more and carrying bunker oil for use on board shall make a hazmat notification.

Waste notification

All ships with ship-generated waste or cargo residues shall before entering a Swedish port make a notification in advance concerning details of this waste or cargo residues to be delivered to the port reception facility.


You may read more about the requirements that lie behind these notifications for