The Pilotage Guide
If a vessel is subject to compulsory pilotage, the master must engage a pilot. The Swedish Transport Agency offers an e-service called the pilotage guide as a means to find out whether or not a vessel is subject to compulsory pilotage in Swedish fairways and waters. The guide covers all designated pilotage fairways in Sweden.
The vessel, the cargo and the fairway
The Pilotage Guide contains a number of questions to be answered, about the size of the vessel and its construction, about the type of cargo onboard, and about the waters where the vessel is to be navigated. These are the factors that determine whether or not the vessel will be subject to compulsory pilotage.
The pilotage guide can also help you find out whether a vessel is subject to compulsory pilotage when it is navigated outside a designated pilotage fairway but still in Swedish internal waters, and whether compulsory pilotage applies to a vessel towing another unit.