Pilot Exemption Certificates (PEC) - application fees

 Find out below what fees you have to pay when you apply for a PEC.

When do I pay, and how much?

  • When the Swedish Transport Agency has received and registered an application for a new PEC, renewal of a PEC, supplement to a PEC, or conversion of a General PEC, we will make a preliminary assessment of the scope of the application. We will then send you further information and an invoice specifying the preliminary application fee.
  • When we have received your payment, we will risk assess the application. If we do not receive payment, your application will not be risk assessed.
  • Fees for re-examinations (retake of examinations or parts of examinations) are paid in arrears, after you have retaken the examinations.
  • Fees for applications for temporary PECs are paid in arrears. If an application is rejected or cancelled, the administrative fee will not be refunded.


Application fee for a new PEC

The total application fee consists of an administrative fee, a fee for practical examinations, and a fee for theoretical examinations. The fee for the examinations is based partly on the length of the pilotage fairway, partly on the Swedish Transport Agency’s assessment of the scope and complexity of the application. The administrative fee and the fees for the practical and the theoretical examinations are shown in the table below.

Lenght of pilotage fairway (M) Application fee 
Administration fee Practical examinations in both directions of the pilotage fairway Theoretical examination
0 – 10 19 900 16 400 3 600
11 – 20 19 900 32 600 9 100
21 – 40 19 900 43 600 18 100
41 och längre 19 900 58 000 30 800

Renewal, supplement and amendment

For administration of an application for PEC renewal, supplement or amendment, the Swedish Transport Agency’s charges fees according to the table below.

The application concerns Fee (SEK)

Renewal of PEC

      10 200   

Supplement to PEC

     10 200 

Renewal of PEC and supplement to PEC

    10 200 

Supplement to PEC and amendment of PEC

    10 200 


If the Swedish Transport Agency decides that the applicant needs to retake the examinations for a PEC, or part of the examinations, we will charge additional fees for the re-examination. The size of the total fee depends on the length of the pilotage fairway, in accordance with the table below. The actual fee may differ from the fees stated in the table, since it also depends on the extent of the re-examination(s). Re-examination fees are paid in arrears, after you have retaken the examination.

Lenght of pilotage fairway (M) Fee (SEK) 
Practical examinations in both directions of the pilotage fairway Theoretical examination
0 – 10 16 400 3 600
11 – 20 32 600 9 100
21 – 40 43 600 18 100
41 och längre 58 000 30 800

Issuing a new PEC without theoretical or practical examinations

For an application which requires neither practical nor theoretical examinations, we charge an administrative fee of 19 900 SEK.

Temporary PEC

For a temporary PEC we charge an administrative fee of 1 700 SEK per hour. The fee is charged for each initiated 30-minute period, and paid in arrears.

Conversion of a General PEC

We no longer issue General PECs. If you have a General PEC, you may have it converted into a PEC. We will charge a fee of 10 200 SEK for administrating your application.

Changes to a valid PEC

If you wish to change any of the following information in your PEC, the application fee is 800 SEK:

  • your name
  • the vessel’s name, call sign or flag.


The fees for PEC applications are stipulated in the Swedish Transport Agency’s Regulations (TSFS 2016:105) on Fees. The fees are updated every year. 

The regulations governing the PEC examination processes and issuing of PECs are stipulated in the Swedish Transport Agency’s Regulations and General Advice (TSFS 2022:94) on Pilotage.

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