Port notification

General information

  1. Ship identification (name, call sign, IMO identification number or MMSI number)
  2. Port of destination
  3. Total number of persons on board
  4. Estimated time of arrival at the port of destination or anchorage
  5. Estimated time of departure from that port or anchorage
  6. Actual time of arrival (ATA) - after arrival
    Actual time of departure (ATD) - after departure

Hazmat notification

General information

  1. Ship identification (name, call sign, IMO identification number or MMSI number)
  2. Port of destination
  3. Total number of persons on board
  4. For a ship leaving a Swedish port or anchorage:
    - estimated time of departure from the port of departure or anchorage
    - estimated time of arrival at the next port of destination.
  5. For a ship coming from a port located outside the Community and bound for a Swedish port or anchorage:
    - estimated time of arrival at the port of destination or anchorage

    Cargo information

  6. The correct technical names of the dangerous or polluting goods, such as:
    – official name of dangerous goods transported in packed form (IMDG code) 
    – product name of dangerous and noxious liquid chemicals carried in bulk (IBC code) 
    – product name of liquefied gases carried in bulk (IGC Code)
  7. The United Nations (UN) numbers for dangerous goods in package form (IMDG Code) and for substances according to the IGC-Code, where these UN numbers exist
  8. – Classes and hazard classes in accordance with the IMDG Code 
    – Pollution categories and hazards according to IBC code 
    – Where appropriate, the class of the ship as defined by the INF Code
  9. The quantities of such goods and their location on board and, if they are being carried in cargo transport units other than tanks, the identification number thereof
  10. A confirmation that a list or manifest or appropriate loading plan giving details of the dangerous or polluting goods carried and of their location on the ship is on board
  11. Address (see definition in section 5 TSFS 2010:159) from which detailed information on the cargo may be obtained.

Waste notification

  1. Name, call sign and, where appropriate, IMO identification number of the ship
  2. Flag State
  3. Estimated time of arrival (ETA) 
  4. Estimated time of departure (ETD) 
  5. Previous port call 
  6. Next port of call 
  7. Last port and date when ship-generated waste (sludge/waste oils and garbage) was delivered
  8. Are you delivering all / some / none of your waste into a port reception facilities?
  9. Type and amount of waste and residues to be delivered and/or remaining on board, and percentage of maximum storage capacity as follows:
    – Type:
       Waste oils - Sludge, bilge water, others (specify)
       Garbage - food waste, plastic, other
       Cargo-associated waste (specify)
       Cargo residues (specify)
    – Waste to be delivered (m3)
    – Maximum dedicated storage capacity (m3)
    – Amount of waste retained on board (m3)
    – Port at which remaining waste will be delivered
    – Estimated amount of waste to be generated between notification and next port of call (m3)
  10. A confirmation that the above details are accurate and correct, and there is sufficient dedicated onboard capacity to store all waste generated between notification and the next port at which waste will be delivered
  11. Signature including date and time