Foreign competencies

Ship’s officers with competencies and special competencies issued by other states than Sweden who wish to serve on Swedish ships must have their foreign competence and special competencies approved by the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) prior to their assignment. 

The Swedish Transport Agency approves of qualifications issued by Member States of the EEA and states with which the Swedish Transport Agency has an agreement on approval, presently the Philippines and India.

The validity period of such approvals corresponds to that of the original document, however limited to five years.

A complete application shall comprise:

An application in writing, stating the competencies that you wish to have approved.

Attested copies of the following:

  • A valid Certificate of Competence.
  • Document/s/ showing in what position, what ships and what sea areas your competence or special competence allows you to serve. The document/s/ shall clearly state the regulation of the STCW Convention upon which the competence or special competence is based.
  • A medical certificate not more than two years old, which clearly states that the vision and hearing ability of the holder fulfills the requirements of the Swedish Transport Agency’s Regulations (TSFS 2011:117) on Medical Certificate for Seafarers.
  • A certificate of approved education in Swedish maritime legislations(needed only with application of rights included in the STCW Convention, regulations II/2, III/2, III/3 or VII/1).
  • Two photographs of dimensions 35 x 45 mm showing a good likeness.
  • Information about the ship-owner and the ship in which you will serve; this is needed only if you have a competence issued outside the EEA.

Co-ordination number for seafarers who have not got a Swedish personal ID number

For seafarers who have not got a Swedish personal ID number, the Swedish Transport Agency need a co-ordination number. Your ship-owner can assist you in this matter. If you are not employed by a ship owner the Swedish Transport Agency can apply for a co-ordination number for you. You then need to enclose a copy of your valid passport.

Education in Swedish maritime legislations

For more information concerning the online course in Swedish maritime legislations please contact Öckerö Maritime CenterÖppnas i nytt fönster.

How to apply

Send the application by e-mail to:

Or by letter to: 

Swedish Transport Agency
Maritime Department