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FAQ flight training and licensing - Is it possible to have an SFI issued

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of ​​flight training and licensing.

Blankett TSS7080: Engaging recognised organisation - company

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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Blankett TSTRY1211: Application for car rental permit

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

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Road / Fordon

Cars emitting large amounts of CO2 will be burdened with higher vehicle tax - malus - for three years from the date when the car first becomes taxable.

Blankett TSL7241: Deregistering records check personnel for aviation security

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

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Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 1

Road / Fordon

If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.

Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 2

Road / Fordon

If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.

Regulations on service of life-saving equipment

Shipping / Fartyg

SOLAS amendments The IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) made a number of amendments to SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at

Blankett TSL7188: TRI(A) additional privileges (LIFUS, landing training)

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for TRI(A) seeking additional privileges such as LIFUS and/or landning training.

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Blankett TSL7212: Assessment of Competence Instructor Sailplane, initial issue and recency

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for pilots and examiners at the initial issue and recency of an Sailplane instructor rating. For FI/IRI/CRI on helicopter and aeroplane

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