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Declaration and operational permits - information for third country operators

Aviation / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

UAS operators that have their principal place of business, are established or reside in a third country, shall comply with Implementing Regulation (EU)

Frequently asked questions about infrastructure charge - Pay on time

Road / Road tolls

As the owner of the vehicle, you are responsible for making sure that the charge is paid on time even if you have not received a payment notice.

If the vehicle owner does not pay the charge on time, a late payment fee of SEK 300 will be add...

Frequently asked questions about infrastructure charge - Appeals- if you think there is a mistake

Road / Road tolls

If you are required to pay but think that the decision on the infrastructure charge is wrong, you can appeal against the charge to the Swedish Transport Agency.

Submit your appeal <...

Application for verification of origin

Road / Fordon

The service Application for verification of origin consists of four steps, where you will be asked to enter  information about you and your vehicle. The

Requirements on wagons

Railroad / Technical authorisation

Transitional rule on using independent reviewers According to the transition rule to the Railway Technology Act (2022:366), older regulations may be applied

Requirements on trackside Control Command and Signalling systems

Railroad / Technical authorisation

Requirements for authorisation Requirements for the Swedish part of the rail system within the European Union are found in the Railway Technology Act (

Blankett TSL7047: Application-of-reduced-training

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for pilots with a licence, rating or certificate issued by a thirdcountry starting their training towards a Part-FCL licence, rating

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Endorsement in the licence

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Revalidation Class, type, and instrument ratings The examiner may revalidate a rating in an applicant's licence, if the proficiency check is done within

Protection of personal data

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

All protection of data must be in accordance with EU Directive 95/46/EC.

Forms and relative procedures

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

The forms that shall be used for any skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence performed on a Swedish licence holder are published on the

Blankett TSV7086: Application for approval of alcohol interlock

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - What is a driving licence permit and how do I obtain one?

Road / Körkort

A driving licence permit is needed in order to take driving lessons and driving tests in Sweden. The driving licence permit is not the same as a driving licence. When you hold a driving licence permit and take driving lessons, you must always be a...

How we take care of your privacy - We use cookies

Om Transportstyrelsen / Om webbplatsen

Here you will find information about how the Transport Agency deals with personal data.

FAQ flight training and licensing - Is it possible to have an SFI issued

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of ​​flight training and licensing.

Blankett TSS7080: Engaging recognised organisation - company

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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Blankett TSTRY1211: Application for car rental permit

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

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Road / Fordon

Cars emitting large amounts of CO2 will be burdened with higher vehicle tax - malus - for three years from the date when the car first becomes taxable.

Blankett TSL7241: Deregistering records check personnel for aviation security

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

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Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 1

Road / Fordon

If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.

Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 2

Road / Fordon

If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.

Regulations on service of life-saving equipment

Shipping / Fartyg

SOLAS amendments The IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) made a number of amendments to SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at

Blankett TSL7188: TRI(A) additional privileges (LIFUS, landing training)

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for TRI(A) seeking additional privileges such as LIFUS and/or landning training.

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Blankett TSL7212: Assessment of Competence Instructor Sailplane, initial issue and recency

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for pilots and examiners at the initial issue and recency of an Sailplane instructor rating. For FI/IRI/CRI on helicopter and aeroplane

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