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Declaration and operational permits - information for EASA Member States - Competent authority

Aviation / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Here you can find information for non-Swedish operators from EASA Member States. Please choose the option below that applies to you. 

FAA licence conversions - BASA agreement

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

This page contains information of the BASA agreement and how FAA certificate holders may convert to an EASA licence through the BASA agreement.

Licence conversions - ATPL conversions

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

This page contains information on how to convert a third country licence (non-EASA licence) to an EASA-licence.

Application for the establishment of a danger area (D-area)

Aviation / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

The Swedish Transport Agency may decide that an area shall be a danger area (D-area) if there is a danger to the safety of aviation but the danger is not

Apply for an exemption - non-EEA licences - Where do I send my application?

Road / Körkort

If you have a driving licence from a non-EEA country, the driving licence will cease to be valid in Sweden when you have been a registered resident here for more than one year. The Swedish Transport Agency can grant an exemption f...

Apply for an exemption - non-EEA licences - I am accompanying someone who is studying or working temporarily in Sweden – what do I need to include in my application?

Road / Körkort

If you have a driving licence from a non-EEA country, the driving licence will cease to be valid in Sweden when you have been a registered resident here for more than one year. The Swedish Transport Agency can grant an exemption f...

Import categories - Imp diplomat

Road / Fordon

In your application for verification of origin you should state the category that best describes the origin of your vehicle or the reason for import.

Import from an EU country - 2 EU

Road / Fordon

Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country.

Import from an EU country - 4 EU

Road / Fordon

Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country.

Instructor for introductory training before private practice driving, category b - Requirements and conditions for temporary profession

Road / Recognition of professional qualifications

Those who have acquired a professional qualification as an instructor for introductory training before private practice driving category B, in another state within the EEA or Switzerland may apply to the Swedish Transport Agency ...