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Infrastrukturne pristojbine

Other languages / Slovenščina (Slovene)

Na Švedskem imajo v mestih Motala, Sundsvall in Skurubron v veljavi sistem infrastrukturnih pristojbin, ki povezuje Stockholm z vzhodnim delom Nacke in

Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси

Other languages / български - (Bulgarian)

В Швеция има система за инфраструктурни такси в Мутала, Сундсвал и мостът Скюрубру, който свързва Стокхолм с източната част на Накка и Вермдьо. Таксите

Данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг

Other languages / български - (Bulgarian)

В Швеция има система за данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг. Данъкът касае превозни средства, регистрирани в и извън Швеция.

Means of keeping ATPL/IR-theory valid with IR-privileges restricted to third-country aircrafts

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Information concerning changes to means of maintaining ATPL/IR-theory for licence holders with IR-privileges restricted to third-country registered aircrafts

Conversion of UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

If you need to convert your UK Cabin Crew Attestation to come under an EU authority due to Brexit, please see: Cabin crew attestation conversion

Application for a driver's licence

Railroad / Train driver

To apply for a train driver's licence To be able to apply for a train driver's licence, you must be 20 years of age or, if there are special reasons for

Health checks

Railroad / Train driver

As a train driver you must prove that you meet certain minimum requirements for physical and psychological evaluation. You can read more about health checks

Learning how to drive

Road / Körkort

To be able to learn to drive, you must have a valid learner's permit. If you are going to practise driving privately, you must have an approved accompanying

Passengers with disability or reduced mobility

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Recognised organisations

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

Trafic instructors

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Professional Qualifications taxi driver

Road / Recognition of professional qualifications

Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Road / Road tolls

In Sweden there is a system of congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The tax applies to vehicles registered in and outside of Sweden.

Ruuhkamaksut Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa

Other languages / Suomi (finska)

Ruotsissa Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa on käytössä ruuhkamaksujärjestelmä. Ruuhkamaksuja peritään sekä Ruotsissa että ulkomailla rekisteröidyistä ajoneuvoista

Authorisation of rail vehicles

Railroad / Technical authorisation

When you plan to put a new, upgraded, renewed or imported railway vehicle into service you have to send an application via ERA One-Stop-Shop. If you want

Accident Investigation Reports

Shipping / Olyckor och tillbud

Certain accidents at sea of particular interest result in accident investigation reports that shall be formatted according to international practice. A

EC regulation 1107/2006 - handling of complaints

Aviation / Resenärsinformation

The Swedish Transport Agency is the appointed national enforcement body of regulation EC 1107/2006 on the rights for disabled and reduced mobility air

Permission to fly in Sweden

Aviation /

Any non-Swedish registered aircraft not holding a valid ICAO CoA or EASA Permit to fly.

Lietuvos (Lithuanian)

Other languages /

Infrastruktūros mokesčiai Transporto kamščių mokestis Stokholme ir Geteborge

Français (French)

Other languages /

Redevances d’utilisation d’infrastructures Taxes d'embouteillage à Stockholm et à Göteborg

Permission to fly in restricted area

Luftfart / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

Here you can find information regarding the process for applying for a permission to fly in a restricted area that involves a ban or restriction of aviation


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2013 between Sweden and Mauritius.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2016 between Sweden and Mexico.

Trinidad och Tobago

Luftfart / Flygbolag

An agreement between the Government of Sweden and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago Relating to Air Services was signed in 1969.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of the Sudan on air services between and beyond their respective territories was signed in

South korea

Luftfart / Flygbolag

An agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the Republic of Korea for Scheduled Air Services between their respective


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement between The Government of The Kingdom of Sweden and The Imperial Government of Iran was signed in 1975. 


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air service agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was initialled


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2016 between Sweden and Jamaica.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2018 beween Sweden and Brazil.

The ECAA-Agreement

Luftfart / Flygbolag

The Multilateral Agreement between The European Community and its Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic

Information regarding block permits for traffic to and from the United Kingdom

Luftfart / Flygbolag

Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer a part of EU’s internal aviation market. A traffic permit is therefore necessary in order to perform

New interpretation of FCL.025 concerning the validity of ATPL-theory

Luftfart / Certifikat och utbildning

Due to a new interpretation of FCL.025 in regulation (EU) 1178/2011, it will only be possible to obtain a CPL-licence during the initial 36 months after

United Kingdom

Luftfart / Flygbolag

European Union and the United Kingdom has concluded a Trade and Cooperation Agreement[1] containing a title concerning air transport. The agreement was


Luftfart / Flygbolag

A comprehensive agreement on air transport between Canada and the EC was signed on 30 March 2009 and entered into force on 16 May 2019. The agreement replaces

Air services agreements

Luftfart / Flygbolag

Information to all EU and EEA air carriers established in Sweden.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

The Air Transport Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America took effect on 30 March 2008.

Motor vehicle inspection of vehicles that are 50 years old or more

Vägtrafik / Fordon

New inspection regulations were introduced on 20 May 2018. This means that vehicles that are 50 years old or more may be exempt from inspection.

Motor vehicle inspection of category A tractors

Vägtrafik / Fordon

The inspection regulations were changed on 20 May 2018, whereby requirements were introduced for tractors classed as category A.

Application for tonnage measurement

Sjöfart / Fartyg

The application must be made in writing by the ship’s master, owner, legal representative or, for ships under construction at a Swedish shipyard, the shipyard

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - C2

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - C3

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - C4

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - No class marking

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Blankett TSL7076: ATPL / type rating skill test or proficiency check for single- or multi-pilot helicopter

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for pilots and examiners. It is used to record skill tests and as a proficiency check (PC) for Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL

Ladda ner blankett TSL7076

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - Over uninvolved persons

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden - Urban area (city)

Luftfart / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Where are you planning on using your UAS?

Drone usage scenarios

What is applicable for each class marking?

Class markings

Frequently asked questions about the exemption for congestion tax in Backa, Gothenburg - Where does the exemption apply?

Road / Road tolls

On May 1, 2018, an exemption from congestion tax for the Backa area in Gothenburg will begin. The exception means that only transit traffic through the Backa area will be taxed.

Frequently asked questions about the exemption for congestion tax in Backa, Gothenburg - Why are those vehicle owners who drive through Backa taxed and not those who drive within the area?

Road / Road tolls

On May 1, 2018, an exemption from congestion tax for the Backa area in Gothenburg will begin. The exception means that only transit traffic through the Backa area will be taxed.