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български - (Bulgarian)

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Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси Данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг

Magyar (Hungarian)

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Infrastruktúrahasználati díj (híddíj) Torlódási díj Stockholmban és Göteborgban

Slovenščina (Slovene)

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Infrastrukturne pristojbine Pristojbine za čas prometnih zastojev v Stockholmu in Göteborgu


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air service agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of Australia was initiallied in 2018.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

EU has entered into a comprehensive air transport agreement with Switzerland. The bilateral air service agreement between Sweden and Switzerland is


Luftfart / Flygbolag

EU has entered into a comprehensive air transport agreement with Ukraine. The bilateral air service agreement between Sweden and Ukraine is therefore no


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air service agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of Zambia was initialled 2011.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2013 between Sweden and Seychelles.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement between the government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the government of the Republic of Türkiye was signed in 2009.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2018 between Sweden and Colombia.