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Shipping / Miljö och hälsa

Disposal of waste from ships is prohibited in Swedish territorial waters and the Swedish exclusive economic zone, with a few exceptions. Ships shall deliver

Infrastruktúrahasználati díj (híddíj)

Other languages / Magyar (Hungarian)

Svédországban infrastruktúrahasználati díjrendszer van érvényben Motala és Sundsvall területén, valamint a Stockholmot Nacka keleti részével és Värmdövel

Pristojbine za čas prometnih zastojev v Stockholmu in Göteborgu

Other languages / Slovenščina (Slovene)

V švedskih mestih Stockholm in Göteborg obstaja sistem pristojbin za čas prometnih zastojev. To pristojbino se plačuje za vozila, registrirana na Švedskem

Occurence reporting

Aviation / Accidents and incidents

Information about Electronic logbooks

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Electronic logbooks are acceptable for all types of application provided they have been printed, signed and dated. The pilot or student pilot is required

Addresses and phone numbers - Postal addresses

Kontakta oss / Addresses and phone numbers

Contact us

Working Environment

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

Off-road motor vehicles

Road / Fordon

An off-road motor vehicle is a motor-driven vehicle that is mainly used for passenger or freight transport off-road. Off-road motor vehicles are divided

Infrastructure management

Railroad / Permits

Safety permits for railway infrastructure An infrastructure manager may perform the following tasks: manage and operate the infrastructure, allocate capacity

Pedaggi urbani a Stoccolma e Göteborg

Other languages / Italiano (Italian)

A Stoccolma e Göteborg, in Svezia, vige un sistema di pedaggi urbani (tasse sulla congestione) che vengono applicati ai veicoli immatricolati in Svezia