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Blankett TSL7702: Revalidation for class rating ofSEP (land), TMG and SEP (sea)

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

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Blankett TSL7752: Demonstration of practical experience – Type evaulation

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Ladda ner blankett TSL7752

Licence conversions

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

This page contains information on how to convert a third country licence (non-EASA licence) to an EASA-licence.

Blankett TSTRY1235E: Application regarding international regular bus service

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Ladda ner blankett TSTRY1235E

Blankett TSV7122: Application Initial assessment - quality certified

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Ladda ner blankett TSV7122


Shipping / Miljö och hälsa

Disposal of waste from ships is prohibited in Swedish territorial waters and the Swedish exclusive economic zone, with a few exceptions. Ships shall deliver

Infrastruktúrahasználati díj (híddíj)

Other languages / Magyar (Hungarian)

Svédországban infrastruktúrahasználati díjrendszer van érvényben Motala és Sundsvall területén, valamint a Stockholmot Nacka keleti részével és Värmdövel

Pristojbine za čas prometnih zastojev v Stockholmu in Göteborgu

Other languages / Slovenščina (Slovene)

V švedskih mestih Stockholm in Göteborg obstaja sistem pristojbin za čas prometnih zastojev. To pristojbino se plačuje za vozila, registrirana na Švedskem

Occurence reporting

Aviation / Accidents and incidents

Information about Electronic logbooks

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Electronic logbooks are acceptable for all types of application provided they have been printed, signed and dated. The pilot or student pilot is required