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Functional Danish-Swedish airspace block

Aviation / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

On December 17, 2009, the formal agreement on the formation of a Danish-Swedish functional airspace block was signed by the respective ministers, Sweden's

Approved organisations, and future certification for FPD

Aviation / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

These organisations are approved by the Swedish Transport Agency to perform airspace design and/or procedure design in Sweden.

Blankett BSL14124: Application for operating licence

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is used by airlines for an operating licence.

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Blankett TSL7211: Skilltest and proficiency checks on sailplanes/powered sailplanes incl. TMG

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Application and report form for skilltests and proficiency checks on sailplanes in TMG.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - Am I allowed to drive in Sweden with a foreign driving licence?

Road / Körkort

Yes, provided you have your driving licence with you when driving. Either your driving licence must have a photograph of yourself on it or you must, when driving, also have a valid ID document with you containing a photo. If your driving licence h...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - How long must I have lived in Sweden before I can apply for a driving licence permit?

Road / Körkort

There is no specific regulation that stipulates when you are allowed to apply for a driving licence permit. On the other hand, your identity must be verified and you must have a valid and acceptable identity document in order to be able to take a ...

Professional Qualifications Directive, inspection technician

Road / Fordon

Now it is possible for inspection technicians from other EEA-states (or Switzerland) to work in Sweden, it becomes simpler to employ an inspection technician

Blankett TSS7079: Engaging recognised organisations - ship

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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