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Winter tyres
If you are travelling to or through Sweden with a vehicle such as a passenger car or heavy vehicle, you need to make sure that the tyres on your vehicle
Road / Vehicles
Maritime Security/Port Security
New rules on maritime security were adopted at a diplomatic conference in London on 13 December 2002 in response to the events of 11 September 2001 in
/ Ship traffic
A certificate is proof that the vessel was found upon inspection to meet applicable standards. Certificates are issued for a specific time period, sometimes
/ Fartyg
Miscellaneous on TSIs
EUs Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) specifies technical rules for the subsystems of the European railway. The Swedish Transport Agency
Railroad / Technical authorisation
UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit
UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation has on 1 January 2021, become a third-country document and is no longer valid on an aircraft operated by a CAT operator
Aviation / Flight training and licensing