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  • Insurances

    The Swedish Transport Agency registers insurance information Insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators are regulated by Regulation

    Aviation / Aircraft

  • In-service conformity

    Emission conformity is not only covered by the type approval itself, but continues throughout the life of the product. There are several types of in-service

    Road / Vehicles

  • Cargo residues

    Ships are obligated to deliver all cargo residues to a port reception facility. Unloaders and receivers of oil- or chemical cargo and ports as well as

    Shipping / Miljö och hälsa

  • Safety advisor

    On December 31, 1999, a requirement entered into force stating that a person who pursues a business that includes transport of packed dangerous goods,

    Aviation / Air operators

  • Licensing a vehicle for use

    In order to be able to drive a vehicle, it must be licensed for use. This means that you as the owner must have traffic insurance and pay vehicle tax for

    Road / Vehicles

  • Paying from abroad

    You can pay the Swedish Transport Agency from abroad. Please note that you can not pay from Sweden to the bank account presented on this page. To pay from

    Road / Vehicles

  • About the use of personalised licence plates outside Sweden

    Personalised licence plates for use in Sweden are approved by the Swedish Transport Agency and can also be used abroad provided that they don't contravene

    Road / Vehicles

  • Digitalising the process for criminal records checks for aviation security

    The Swedish Transport Agency handles approximately 12,000 applications for criminal records checks for aviation security per year. Currently, all communication

    Aviation / Security

  • Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси

    В Швеция има система за инфраструктурни такси в Мутала, Сундсвал и мостът Скюрубру, който свързва Стокхолм с източната част на Накка и Вермдьо. Таксите

    About-us / Other languages

  • Opłaty za użytkowanie infrastruktury

    W Szwecji istnieje system opłat za użytkowanie infrastruktury w miejscowościach Motala, Sundsvall i Skurubron, łączącej Sztokholm ze wschodnią częścią

    About-us / Other languages