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International regulations General Most regulations aimed at protecting the environment applicable to shipping are of international origin. The most comprehensive
/ Miljö och hälsa
Application for tonnage measurement
The application must be made in writing by the ship’s master, owner, legal representative or, for ships under construction at a Swedish shipyard, the shipyard
/ Fartyg
Coastal trade permit (cabotage)
Traffic conducted in Swedish controlled water and between Swedish ports is reserved for Swedish flagged vessels by Swedish law. This regulation is called
/ Ship traffic
Authorisation of rail vehicles
When you plan to put a new, upgraded, renewed or imported railway vehicle into service you have to send an application via ERA One-Stop-Shop. If you want
Railroad / Technical authorisation
Application for a driver's licence
To apply for a train driver's licence To be able to apply for a train driver's licence, you must be 20 years of age or, if there are special reasons for
Railroad / Train driver
Health checks
As a train driver you must prove that you meet certain minimum requirements for physical and psychological evaluation. You can read more about health checks
Railroad / Train driver
Learning how to drive
To be able to learn to drive, you must have a valid learner's permit. If you are going to practise driving privately, you must have an approved accompanying
Road / Driving licences
Contact us - Sending electronic invoices to the Swedish Transport Agency
We welcome your questions and comments. E-mail, call us or write to us.
About-us / Contact us
Commercial transport
The objective of the Swedish Transport Agency is to enable efficient, safe and sustainable road transport services and a transport market characterized
Road / Commercial transport
Information and regulations about rail vehicles, train drivers' licenses, and permits within Swedish railway traffic.
/ Railway
Air navigation services
The section Air Navigation Services (ANS) of the Swedish Transport Agency is responsible for the following areas: Air Traffic Services (ATS) Aeronautical
Luftfart / Airport, air navigation service and airspace
Permission to fly in Sweden
Any non-Swedish registered aircraft not holding a valid ICAO CoA or EASA Permit to fly. If your aircraft is a state aircraft, such as military aircraft
Luftfart / Permission to fly in Sweden
Contact the licensing office
Currently we have about 10 days processing time for complete cases involving flight crew licence and ATCO certificates (not medicine).This is due to a
Luftfart / Flight training and licensing
An air service agreement between Sweden and Syria was signed in 1955. The agreement was signed on 9 Mars 1955. The Annex regarding traffic rights was amended
Luftfart / Air operators
Export and temporary registration
If you are going to sell a vehicle to a private individual or a company abroad, you must notify us that the vehicle is to be deregistered due to export
Vägtrafik / Vehicles
An agreement between the Government of Sweden and the Government of Barbados relating to Air Services was signed in 1969. The agreement was signed on
Luftfart / Air operators
An air service agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the Republic of Peru was signed in 1960. The agreement was
Luftfart / Air operators
Maintenance information. Organisation approvals Part 145 organisations Part M Subpart F organisations
Luftfart / Aircraft
Information regarding block permits for traffic to and from the United Kingdom
Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer a part of EU’s internal aviation market. A traffic permit is therefore necessary in order to perform
Luftfart / Air operators
Transport of forbidden dangerous goods - Extreme urgency
Transport of dangerous goods by air is regulated by the Swedish Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:263), the Ordinance on Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:311) and the Civil Aviation Authority regulations (TSFS 2021:30) of the carriage of da...
Luftfart / Air operators