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Registered professional importer and professional manufacturer

Road / Fordon

Anyone importing a large number of vehicles that have become registered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry or who is the representative of a foreign

Application for a driver's licence - Have you previously had a train driver's licence?

Railroad / Train driver

To apply for a train driver's licence

To be able to apply for a train driver's licence, you must be 20 years of age or, if there are special reasons for it, 18 years of age.

You must attach a number of documents to your application...

Blankett TS8038E: Application for Verification of Origin

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Application for Verification of Origin.

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Blankett TSL7212: Assessment of Competence Instructor Sailplane, initial issue and recency

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is intended for pilots and examiners at the initial issue and recency of an Sailplane instructor rating. For FI/IRI/CRI on helicopter and aeroplane

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FAQ flight training and licensing - I have a rating or certificate on my third country licence, is it possible to get credit towards the required training hours

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of ​​flight training and licensing.

FAQ flight training and licensing - I have discontinued my theoretical training and wish to cancel my examination. Am I eligible to receive a refund?

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of ​​flight training and licensing.

Blankett TSS7402: Notification of safety delegates

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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Blankett TSL7356: BASA TIP-L Part FCL licence application form

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is to be used for the application and skill test(s) for the issue of PPL, SEP, MEP, night rating and/or instrument rating, based on the equivalent

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Cargo residues

Shipping / Miljö och hälsa

Ships are obligated to deliver all cargo residues to a port reception facility. Unloaders and receivers of oil- or chemical cargo and ports as well as

In-service conformity

Road / Fordon

Emission conformity is not only covered by the type approval itself, but continues throughout the life of the product. There are several types of in-service

Technical services

Road / Fordon

A technical service is an organization or a body that has been approved as a testing laboratory and that has also been notified to the EU and ECE respectively

Guide to UAS operations in Sweden

Aviation / Luftfartyg och luftvärdighet

Are you planning on visiting Sweden and bringing your drone?Welcome to your guide to safe UAS operations in Sweden! Most UAS operations require UAS operator

Blankett TSS7766: Application for a mortgage etc

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси

Other languages / български - (Bulgarian)

В Швеция има система за инфраструктурни такси в Мутала, Сундсвал и мостът Скюрубру, който свързва Стокхолм с източната част на Накка и Вермдьо. Таксите


Other languages / Suomi (Finnish)

Ruotsissa on käytössä infrastruktuurimaksujen järjestelmä Motalassa, Sundsvallissa ja Skuru-sillalla, joka yhdistää Tukholman itäiseen Nackaan ja Värmdöhön

Congestieheffing in Stockholm en Gotenburg

Other languages / Nederlands (Dutch)

In Zweden gebruiken we een systeem voor congestieheffing in de steden Stockholm en Gotenburg. Deze heffing is van toepassing op zowel Zweeds geregistreerde

Taxas de utilização da infraestrutura

Other languages / Português (Portuguese)

Na Suécia, existe um sistema de taxas de utilização das infraestruturas em Motala, Sundsvall e Skurubron que ligam Estocolmo a Nacka oriental e Värmdö

Impostos sobre o congestionamento em Estocolmo e Gotemburgo

Other languages / Português (Portuguese)

Na Suécia, existe um sistema de taxas de congestionamento em Estocolmo e Gotemburgo. As taxas aplicam-se aos veículos matriculados dentro e fora da Suécia

Opłaty za użytkowanie infrastruktury

Other languages / Polski (Polish)

W Szwecji istnieje system opłat za użytkowanie infrastruktury w miejscowościach Motala, Sundsvall i Skurubron, łączącej Sztokholm ze wschodnią częścią

Pristojbine za čas prometnih zastojev v Stockholmu in Göteborgu

Other languages / Slovenščina (Slovene)

V švedskih mestih Stockholm in Göteborg obstaja sistem pristojbin za čas prometnih zastojev. To pristojbino se plačuje za vozila, registrirana na Švedskem

Provisions on port services

Shipping / Ship traffic

On 24 March 2019, the EU Port Services Regulation[1] entered into force. The Swedish Act (2019:152) with supplementary provisions to the EU’s Port Service

New interpretation concerning crediting of theoretical knowledge

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

The Swedish Transport Agency has obtained a new interpretation concerning crediting of theoretical knowledge from EASA regarding the subject 090-Communications

Information regarding conversions of FAA certificates for aeroplane into Part-FCL licences

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On 18 May 2021, a new agreement entered into force, Annex 3 to the BASA agreement, which enables conversions of private pilot licens for aeroplane (incl

Addresses and phone numbers - Customer services and switchboard

Kontakta oss / Addresses and phone numbers

Contact us


Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

I have a driving licence

Road / Körkort

You must renew your driving licence within five or ten years of its issue. The Swedish Transport Agency will send you a driving licence renewal document

UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation has on 1 January 2021, become a third-country document and is no longer valid on an aircraft operated by a CAT operator

Motor vehicle inspection

Road / Fordon

The inspection regulations were changed on 20 May 2018. The regulations are an adaptation to the EU legislation and concern all vehicles. Passenger cars

How we take care of your privacy

Om Transportstyrelsen / Om webbplatsen

Here you will find information about how the Transport Agency deals with personal data. The Swedish Transport Agency is the controller responsible for

Infrastructure charges

Road / Road tolls

In Sweden there is a system of infrastructure charges in Motala and Sundsvall. From 1 October 2023 also at Skurubron which connects Stockholm with eastern

Find an AME

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Miscellaneous on TSIs

Railroad / Technical authorisation

EUs Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) specifies technical rules for the subsystems of the European railway. The Swedish Transport Agency

Safety alert

Shipping / Olyckor och tillbud

Deficiencies in a particular brand of hydrostatic release units for liferafts May 25, 2010 The Maritime Department of the Swedish Transport Agency has

Train driver

Railroad /

The Swedish Transport Agency handles issues concerning train driver's licence. You can contact us about application, withdrawal, health checks, lost/destroyed

Slovenský (Slovak)

Other languages /

Poplatky za infraštruktúru Mestské mýto v Štokholme a Göteborgu

Slovenščina (Slovene)

Other languages /

Infrastrukturne pristojbine Pristojbine za čas prometnih zastojev v Stockholmu in Göteborgu


Other languages /

Kuljetushallitus pyrkii saavuttamhaan hyvän käytettävyyen, korkean kvaliteen, varmat ja milhjöön sovitettuja kuljetuksia rautatielä, ilmaliikentheessä


Luftfart / Flygbolag

A multilateral air service agreement between EU’s Member States and Israel was signed in 2013 and entered into force on 2 August 2020. The agreement replaces


Luftfart / Flygbolag

A multilateral air transport agreement between EU and its member states and Qatar was signed in 2021. The agreement has not yet entered into force but

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - What is a driving licence permit and how do I obtain one?

Road / Körkort

A driving licence permit is needed in order to take driving lessons and driving tests in Sweden. The driving licence permit is not the same as a driving licence. When you hold a driving licence permit and take driving lessons, you must always be a...

Aviation trends

Aviation /

Read Aviation Trends - statistics, analysis and information from the Swedish Transport Agency.  Aviation Trends 2012 The articles in Aviation Trends

Recognition of professional qualifications

Road /

Information about taxi driver, see "Commercial transport" Information about inspection technician, see "Vehicles"

Third country licence conversions and validations

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

This page contains information concerning valid third country licence (non-EASA licences) conversions and validations As a holder of a third country licence

Type approval

Road / Fordon

Type approval may be granted for whole vehicles, for a component, system or separate technical unit included in the vehicle. What is a type approval?

Winter tyres

Road / Fordon

If you are travelling to or through Sweden with a vehicle such as a passenger car or heavy vehicle, you need to make sure that the tyres on your vehicle


Aviation / Flygbolag

EU has entered into a comprehensive air transport agreement with Canada. The bilateral air service agreement between Sweden and Canada is therefore