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The Swedish Transport Agency is working to achieve good accessibility, high quality, secure and environmentally aware rail, air, sea and road transport
/ Road
Non-swedish examiners
Annex I to the European Aircrew Regulation, Part FCL.1015 c) requires all non-Swedish examiners wishing to conduct skill tests (ST), proficiency checks
Luftfart / Flight training and licensing
Port state control
Inspection of foreign ships is carried out through port state control. The exercise of port state control is regulated in the port state control directive
Sjöfart / Port state control
Safety supervision
The purpose of the safety supervision carried out by the Swedish Transport Agency´s Road and Railway Department is to maintain and preferably improve the
Järnväg / Safety supervision
Swedish Civil Aircraft Register
Here you will find information and instructions regarding, for example, interim registration, registration of aircraft, change of ownership and de-registration
Luftfart / Aircraft
Airworthiness and continuing airworthiness
For more details of Airworthiness please visit our Swedish website. Continuing Airworthiness Organisation approvals Search Approved organisations Templates
Luftfart / Aircraft
A Civil Air Transport Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the People´s Republic of China was signed in 1973
Luftfart / Air operators
An air transport agreement was initialled in 2018 between Sweden and Brazil. The agreement was initialled on 13 December 2018 but has not yet been signed
Luftfart / Air operators
Change of ownership
Have you bought or sold a vehicle? If so, you and the other party must make a notification of the change of ownership. You can do this: Online (only for
Vägtrafik / Vehicles
Deregister the vehicle
Besides dismantling, one reason for a vehicle being deregistered may be because the vehicle has been exported or rebuilt. Bear in mind that deregistration
Vägtrafik / Vehicles