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Blankett TSL7702: Revalidation for class rating ofSEP (land), TMG and SEP (sea)
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Licence conversions
This page contains information on how to convert a third country licence (non-EASA licence) to an EASA-licence. The third country licence along with a
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Road user charging
Road user charge applies for trucks or truck/trailer combinations with a total weight exceeding 12 tons. Road user charge must be paid for the truck or
Road / Vehicles
Blankett TSL7797: Tillägg till TSL7100 TMGs and single-pilot aeroplanes, except for HPCA
This form must only be used together with form TSL7100.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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In Schweden wird in Motala und Sundsvall sowie für die Skurubron (Brücke), die Stockholm mit dem östlichen Teil von Nacka und mit Värmdö verbindet, ein
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Staugebühren in Stockholm und Göteborg
In Schweden wird in Stockholm und Göteborg eine Citymaut erhoben. Die Gebühren gelten für sowohl in Schweden als auch im Ausland registrierte Fahrzeuge
About-us / Other languages
Sastrēgumu nodeva Stokholmā un Gēteborgā
Zviedrijā pastāv sastrēgumu nodevas sistēma Stokholmā un Gēteborgā. Nodeva attiecas gan uz Zviedrijā, gan ārvalstīs reģistrētiem transportlīdzekļiem.
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Infrastruktúrahasználati díj (híddíj)
Svédországban infrastruktúrahasználati díjrendszer van érvényben Motala és Sundsvall területén, valamint a Stockholmot Nacka keleti részével és Värmdövel
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Infrastrukturne pristojbine
Na Švedskem imajo v mestih Motala, Sundsvall in Skurubron v veljavi sistem infrastrukturnih pristojbin, ki povezuje Stockholm z vzhodnim delom Nacke in
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Infrastructure Charge
In Svezia è stato istituito un sistema di pedaggio denominato Infrastructure Charge. La Infrastructure Charge si applica ai veicoli immatricolati sia
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Porez na zagušenje u prometu u gradovima Stockholm i Göteborg
U Švedskoj postoji sustav poreza na zagušenje u prometu u Stockholmu i Göteborgu. Taj porez se primjenjuje na vozila registrirana u Švedskoj i izvan nje
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Blankett TSV7122: Application Initial assessment - quality certified
Road / Forms for road
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Bosanski (Bosnian)
Zadatak Uprave za transportne usluge (Transportstyrelsen) je da dostigne dovoljnu pristupačnost, visoki kvalitet, sigurne i ekološki prilagođene transportne
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Julevsámegiella (Lule Sami)
Dålvudimstivrra bargga jåvsådittjat buorre åledibmáj, alla kvalitähttaj, sihkar ja biráshiebadum dålvudimijda ruovdderahten, ilmmedålvudimen, merradålvudimen
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Lietuvos (Lithuanian)
Infrastruktūros mokesčiai Transporto kamščių mokestis Stokholme ir Geteborge
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Български - (Bulgarian)
Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси Данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг
About-us / Other languages
Aircraft maintenance personnel
Here you will find information for EASA Part-66 Licenced AIrcraft Engineers and mechanics. Basic Requirements In order to work as a EASA Licenced Aircraft
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Anti-fouling systems for ships
Anti-fouling system refers to a coating, paint, surface treatment or device used on a ship to control or prevent attachment of unwanted organisms. The
/ Miljö och hälsa
Mandatory registration & tonnage measurement
Mandatory registration According to Chapter 1 of the Swedish Maritime Code (SFS 1994:1009), a ship is a vessel having a length over all of at least twelve
/ Fartyg
Freight & cargo
All freight transported by sea must be handled in the right way, which includes correct loading segregation and cargo securing, so that it does not represent
/ Miljö och hälsa
Medical practitioners
According to international rules and regulations, everyone who works at sea must hold a special medical certificate. Each country may design the medical
/ Ombordanställda
Mandatory Vessel Reporting
Ships bound for a Swedish port or anchorage and ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods departing from a Swedish port or anchorage shall fulfil certain
/ Ship traffic
Fly the Swedish flag
The Swedish flag represents quality. The Swedish flag is internationally top-ranked, always maintaining the best possible standard. The Swedish Register
Shipping / Fartyg
Authorisation of infrastructure for railway, metro and tram
Application for authorisation When you plan to put a new, upgraded or renewed rail infrastructure in service you should contact the Swedish Transport Agency
Railroad / Technical authorisation
Conduct driver training and organize knowledge tests
In order to conduct driver training or organize knowledge tests, you need permit from the Swedish Transport Agency. The Swedish Transport Agency may
Road / Driving licences
Contact us - Postal addresses
We welcome your questions and comments. E-mail, call us or write to us.
About-us / Contact us
Infrastructure management
Safety permits for railway infrastructure An infrastructure manager may perform the following tasks: manage and operate the infrastructure, allocate capacity
Railroad / Permits
Disposal of waste from ships is prohibited in Swedish territorial waters and the Swedish exclusive economic zone, with a few exceptions. Ships shall deliver
Shipping / Miljö och hälsa
Accidents and incidents
Here you will find information on how and to whom you report incidents, serious incidents, accidents and security-related reports in aviation. Report an
Aviation / Accidents and incidents
Press contacts
Journalists are welcome to contact our press service for general information about the authority and to get in contact with the right expert
About-us / Press contacts
About the site
General information about the Swedish Transport Agency's website. Here you will find general information about the Swedish Transport Agency's website.
About-us / About the site
Information for passengers
Here you can find information about restriction on liquids and prohibited articles onboard.
Aviation / Information for passengers
Non-swedish examiners
Annex I to the European Aircrew Regulation, Part FCL.1015 c) requires all non-Swedish examiners wishing to conduct skill tests (ST), proficiency checks
Luftfart / Flight training and licensing
Port state control
Inspection of foreign ships is carried out through port state control. The exercise of port state control is regulated in the port state control directive
Sjöfart / Port state control
Safety supervision
The purpose of the safety supervision carried out by the Swedish Transport Agency´s Road and Railway Department is to maintain and preferably improve the
Järnväg / Safety supervision
Swedish Civil Aircraft Register
Here you will find information and instructions regarding, for example, interim registration, registration of aircraft, change of ownership and de-registration
Luftfart / Aircraft
A Civil Air Transport Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the People´s Republic of China was signed in 1973
Luftfart / Air operators
An air transport agreement was initialled in 2018 between Sweden and Brazil. The agreement was initialled on 13 December 2018 but has not yet been signed
Luftfart / Air operators
Change of ownership
Have you bought or sold a vehicle? If so, you and the other party must make a notification of the change of ownership. You can do this: Online (only for
Vägtrafik / Vehicles
Deregister the vehicle
Besides dismantling, one reason for a vehicle being deregistered may be because the vehicle has been exported or rebuilt. Bear in mind that deregistration
Vägtrafik / Vehicles
Licence plates
Licence plates comes in three sizes. From January 1, 2014 Swedish licence plates got a new look. Single-row licence plates used for most types of vehicles
Vägtrafik / Vehicles
Air services agreements
Information to all EU and EEA air carriers established in Sweden. Air Services Agreements (Air Transport Agreements) Commercial Air Transportation can
Luftfart / Air operators
Transport of forbidden dangerous goods - When other forms of transport are inappropriate
Transport of dangerous goods by air is regulated by the Swedish Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:263), the Ordinance on Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:311) and the Civil Aviation Authority regulations (TSFS 2021:30) of the carriage of da...
Luftfart / Air operators
Requirements on locomotives and passenger units
New locomotives and passenger units shall normally be authorised according "The harmonised approach". This mean that the vehicles shall fulfil the requirements
Järnväg / Technical authorisation