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Other languages / Eesti (estniska)

Rootsis on Motala, Sundsvalli ja Skurubroni piirkondades kasutusel taristumaksude süsteem, need alad ühendavad Stockholmi Nacka idaosa ja Värmdöga. Taristumaks

Find an AME

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Miscellaneous on TSIs

Railroad / Technical authorisation

EUs Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) specifies technical rules for the subsystems of the European railway. The Swedish Transport Agency

Safety alert

Shipping / Olyckor och tillbud

Deficiencies in a particular brand of hydrostatic release units for liferafts May 25, 2010 The Maritime Department of the Swedish Transport Agency has

Winter tyres

Road / Fordon

If you are travelling to or through Sweden with a vehicle such as a passenger car or heavy vehicle, you need to make sure that the tyres on your vehicle

Latvijas (Latvian)

Other languages /

Sastrēgumu nodeva Stokholmā un Gēteborgā Infrastruktūru lietošanas maksa

Aviation trends

Aviation /

Read Aviation Trends - statistics, analysis and information from the Swedish Transport Agency.

Recognition of professional qualifications

Road /

Information about taxi driver, see "Commercial transport" Information about inspection technician, see "Vehicles"

Train driver

Railroad /

The Swedish Transport Agency handles issues concerning train driver's licence. You can contact us about application, withdrawal, health checks, lost/destroyed

Registration certificates

Vägtrafik / Fordon

In this section, you can find out more about your vehicle's registration certificate and what you can use it for.