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Recognised organisations

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

Trafic instructors

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Professional Qualifications taxi driver

Road / Recognition of professional qualifications

Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Road / Road tolls

In Sweden there is a system of congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The tax applies to vehicles registered in and outside of Sweden.

Ruuhkamaksut Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa

Other languages / Suomi (finska)

Ruotsissa Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa on käytössä ruuhkamaksujärjestelmä. Ruuhkamaksuja peritään sekä Ruotsissa että ulkomailla rekisteröidyistä ajoneuvoista

Authorisation of rail vehicles

Railroad / Technical authorisation

When you plan to put a new, upgraded, renewed or imported railway vehicle into service you have to send an application via ERA One-Stop-Shop. If you want

Accident Investigation Reports

Shipping / Olyckor och tillbud

Certain accidents at sea of particular interest result in accident investigation reports that shall be formatted according to international practice. A

EC regulation 1107/2006 - handling of complaints

Aviation / Resenärsinformation

The Swedish Transport Agency is the appointed national enforcement body of regulation EC 1107/2006 on the rights for disabled and reduced mobility air

Permission to fly in Sweden

Aviation /

Any non-Swedish registered aircraft not holding a valid ICAO CoA or EASA Permit to fly.

Lietuvos (Lithuanian)

Other languages /

Infrastruktūros mokesčiai Transporto kamščių mokestis Stokholme ir Geteborge