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Infrastrukturne pristojbine

Other languages / Slovenščina (Slovene)

Na Švedskem imajo v mestih Motala, Sundsvall in Skurubron v veljavi sistem infrastrukturnih pristojbin, ki povezuje Stockholm z vzhodnim delom Nacke in

Инфраструктурни (пътни) такси

Other languages / български - (Bulgarian)

В Швеция има система за инфраструктурни такси в Мутала, Сундсвал и мостът Скюрубру, който свързва Стокхолм с източната част на Накка и Вермдьо. Таксите

Данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг

Other languages / български - (Bulgarian)

В Швеция има система за данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг. Данъкът касае превозни средства, регистрирани в и извън Швеция.

Means of keeping ATPL/IR-theory valid with IR-privileges restricted to third-country aircrafts

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

Information concerning changes to means of maintaining ATPL/IR-theory for licence holders with IR-privileges restricted to third-country registered aircrafts

Conversion of UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

If you need to convert your UK Cabin Crew Attestation to come under an EU authority due to Brexit, please see: Cabin crew attestation conversion

Application for a driver's licence

Railroad / Train driver

To apply for a train driver's licence To be able to apply for a train driver's licence, you must be 20 years of age or, if there are special reasons for

Health checks

Railroad / Train driver

As a train driver you must prove that you meet certain minimum requirements for physical and psychological evaluation. You can read more about health checks

Learning how to drive

Road / Körkort

To be able to learn to drive, you must have a valid learner's permit. If you are going to practise driving privately, you must have an approved accompanying

Passengers with disability or reduced mobility

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Recognised organisations

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

Trafic instructors

Blanketter / Blanketter för vägtrafik

Professional Qualifications taxi driver

Road / Recognition of professional qualifications

Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Road / Road tolls

In Sweden there is a system of congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The tax applies to vehicles registered in and outside of Sweden.

Ruuhkamaksut Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa

Other languages / Suomi (finska)

Ruotsissa Tukholmassa ja Göteborgissa on käytössä ruuhkamaksujärjestelmä. Ruuhkamaksuja peritään sekä Ruotsissa että ulkomailla rekisteröidyistä ajoneuvoista

Authorisation of rail vehicles

Railroad / Technical authorisation

When you plan to put a new, upgraded, renewed or imported railway vehicle into service you have to send an application via ERA One-Stop-Shop. If you want

Accident Investigation Reports

Shipping / Olyckor och tillbud

Certain accidents at sea of particular interest result in accident investigation reports that shall be formatted according to international practice. A

EC regulation 1107/2006 - handling of complaints

Aviation / Resenärsinformation

The Swedish Transport Agency is the appointed national enforcement body of regulation EC 1107/2006 on the rights for disabled and reduced mobility air

Permission to fly in Sweden

Aviation /

Any non-Swedish registered aircraft not holding a valid ICAO CoA or EASA Permit to fly.

Lietuvos (Lithuanian)

Other languages /

Infrastruktūros mokesčiai Transporto kamščių mokestis Stokholme ir Geteborge

Français (French)

Other languages /

Redevances d’utilisation d’infrastructures Taxes d'embouteillage à Stockholm et à Göteborg

Permission to fly in restricted area

Luftfart / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

Here you can find information regarding the process for applying for a permission to fly in a restricted area that involves a ban or restriction of aviation


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2013 between Sweden and Mauritius.


Luftfart / Flygbolag

An air transport agreement was initialled in 2016 between Sweden and Mexico.

Trinidad och Tobago

Luftfart / Flygbolag

An agreement between the Government of Sweden and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago Relating to Air Services was signed in 1969.