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Paying and notification of congestion tax - Paying if the vehicle is registered abroad

Road / Road tolls

The taxable passages made by a vehicle into or out of Stockholm and Gothenburg during one month will be added together and dispatched to you as a tax decision. The tax is then payed in arrears.

Prepaid application fee for Pilot Exemption Certificate

Shipping / Ship traffic

On 1 January 2014, the Swedish Transport Agency will introduce application fees for PECs. The fees are to be paid in advance. That is before we begin processing

Frequently asked questions about congestion tax - The single charge rule in Göteborg

Road / Road tolls

A single charge rule applies in Gothenburg. Under this rule, a vehicle that passes several tolling stations within 60 minutes is only taxed once. The amount that must be paid is the highest one.

Frequently asked questions about congestion tax - Do all types of vehicle have to pay the congestion tax?

Road / Road tolls

Cars, lorries and buses have to pay the congestion tax. However, emergency vehicles, EC mobile cranes and buses with a total weight of at least 14 tonnes, motorbikes and mopeds do not pay the tax.

Frequently asked questions about infrastructure charge - Do all types of vehicle have to pay bridge tolls?

Road / Road tolls

Cars, lorries and buses have to pay bridge tolls.

The following vehicles do not pay bridge tolls:

  • motorbikes and mopeds
  • emergency vehicles
  • EC mobile cranes
  • buses with a total weight over 3,5 tonnes.

Frequently asked questions about congestion tax - How does the control point work?

Road / Road tolls

A control point, picture

A control point, the 'Betalväg' (toll road) road sign and sign showing tariffs.

Automatic registration


Requirements on locomotives and passenger units

Railroad / Technical authorisation

New locomotives and passenger units shall normally be authorised according "The harmonised approach". This mean that the vehicles shall fulfil the requirements

Requirements on trams, metros and local trains

Railroad / Technical authorisation

Definitions and rules New trams and metro vehicles shall normally be authorised according to the Swedish Transport Agencys national rules (TSFS 2010:115

Additional information

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

The Swedish Transport Agency will sample skill test, proficiency checks or assessments of competence according to a published national oversight programme

Functional Danish-Swedish airspace block

Aviation / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

On December 17, 2009, the formal agreement on the formation of a Danish-Swedish functional airspace block was signed by the respective ministers, Sweden's

Approved organisations, and future certification for FPD

Aviation / Flygplatser, flygtrafiktjänst och luftrum

These organisations are approved by the Swedish Transport Agency to perform airspace design and/or procedure design in Sweden.

Blankett BSL14124: Application for operating licence

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is used by airlines for an operating licence.

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Blankett TSL7211: Skilltest and proficiency checks on sailplanes/powered sailplanes incl. TMG

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

Application and report form for skilltests and proficiency checks on sailplanes in TMG.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - Am I allowed to drive in Sweden with a foreign driving licence?

Road / Körkort

Yes, provided you have your driving licence with you when driving. Either your driving licence must have a photograph of yourself on it or you must, when driving, also have a valid ID document with you containing a photo. If your driving licence h...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about foreign driving licences - How long must I have lived in Sweden before I can apply for a driving licence permit?

Road / Körkort

There is no specific regulation that stipulates when you are allowed to apply for a driving licence permit. On the other hand, your identity must be verified and you must have a valid and acceptable identity document in order to be able to take a ...

Professional Qualifications Directive, inspection technician

Road / Fordon

Now it is possible for inspection technicians from other EEA-states (or Switzerland) to work in Sweden, it becomes simpler to employ an inspection technician

Blankett TSS7079: Engaging recognised organisations - ship

Blanketter / Blanketter för sjöfart

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FAQ flight training and licensing - How can I get a theoretical completion certificate?

Aviation / Certifikat och utbildning

On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of ​​flight training and licensing.

Bonus malus - Why is bonus malus introduced?

Road / Fordon

The idea of the bonus malus system is to reward vehicles that emit relatively small amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), while burdening vehicles that emit relatively large amounts of CO2 with higher vehicle tax for the first three years: malus. The S...

Blankett TSL7252: Statistic report aviation

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is used by airlines, flight schools, flight clubs and others to report flight time. You can also report flight time via the Swedish Transport

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Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 5

Road / Fordon

If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.

Blankett TSL7406: Application for revalidation or renewal of instructor certificates, for aeroplane

Blanketter / Blanketter för luftfart

This form is for revalidation and renewal of instructor certificates for Aeroplanes.  All instructor certificate applications must be sent to certifikat.w3d3

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