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Off road notifications/licencing for use
This section provides information about making an off road notification for a vehicle and licensing a vehicle for use. You will also find our e-services
Road / Vehicles
Transfer of an EASA licence
This page contains information of how EASA licence holders can have their licences moved to another EASA member state. Holders of an EASA licence may have
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Restrictions on liquids and prohibited items list
The European Union has adopted a regulation restricting the liquids that passengers can carry in their cabin baggage past security checkpoints and then
Aviation / Information for passengers
Examiner standardisation course 24 september 2024 The meeting starts with coffee at 09:00 for those who wants. The meeting itself is scheduled between
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Securing Cargo
Cargo onboard ships is stowed and secured to prevent damage during transport. If cargo is not adequately secured it can be damaged and/or shift when subjected
/ Fartyg
Inspection and certification
The Swedish Transport Agency is the responsible authority for the inspection and certification of ships and ports. The Agency carries out around 4000 inspections
/ Fartyg
Applying via the Internet - log on to our vehicle services
You can log on to our vehicle services by using the registration number and authorisation code (Behörighetskod) or by using e-identity. You will find
/ About the site
The Swedish Transport Agency establishes regulations on pilotage in the Swedish territorial waters. The Swedish Transport Agency also issues Pilot Exemption
/ Ship traffic
Professional Qualifications taxi driver
It is possible for taxi drivers from other EEA-states (or Switzerland) to work in Sweden. The professional role is to drive taxi-service vehicles. To be
Road / Commercial transport
Security Contact Information - Foreign Air Carriers
To distribute important security information we have established an internet based solution where you will find for example relevant parts of the Swedish
Aviation / Security
Theoretical examination
To obtain a flight crew licence you will have to take a theoretical examination after the theoretical course completion. This page contains information
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Report deficiencies and unsatisfactory conditions
On this page, you can report unsatisfactory conditions. You can also submit tips to us about damages and deficiencies related to a vessel or a shipping
Shipping / Miljö och hälsa
About the site - How to change web browser
General information about the Swedish Transport Agency's website.
About-us / About the site
To freight wagon companies: Risk that we want to draw your attention to
The Swedish Transport Agency has carried out a risk analysis in accordance with CSM-RA based on suddenly lost braking ability when using composite brake
Railroad / Technical authorisation
Technical authorisation
A new infrastructure or a new vehicle shall be authorised by the Swedish Transport Agency before putting into service. This is also the case of upgrading
/ Till dig i branschen
Vehicle import and verification of origin
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin. You
Road / Vehicles
Railway undertakings
Read more about forms of permit for railway undertakings and those who wants to procure infrastructure capacity. Licence A licence is the part of the permit
Railroad / Permits
Administrative fees for road transport operators
The Swedish legal system allows the use of several different penalties when infringements are detected at a roadside check. One of the more common penalties
Road / Commercial transport
This section contains general information about rules pertaining to vessels and their equipment. A vessel is a craft intended to be used at sea and which
/ Vessels
Ship traffic
95 percent of the Swedish foreign trade is carried out by means of sea transport. The whole Swedish society is dependent on the ships reaching our ports
Shipping / Ship traffic