Type approval
Type approval may be granted for whole vehicles, for a component, system or separate technical unit included in the vehicle.
What is a type approval?
A type approval proves that a vehicle or a component type meets the applicable technical requirements. In Sweden, the Swedish Transport Agency is the approval authority. An international type approval granted by one EU Member state is recognized by EU Member States.
Learn more about type approvals.
How to apply - the type approval process
In order to make the assessment of a type approval a smooth and time-efficient process, it is important that the application and its attachments are correct the first time.
How to apply and how the process works
Application form
If you're already familiar with the process and the requirements that needs to be fulfilled, you can download our application form.
Application for type approval number.
The application shall be submitted to vag@transportstyrelsen.se.
In return you will receive an auto-generated notification. If this notification is not received, please contact us.
Remember to submit only one application per e-mail. It facilitates our handling and allows us to process your case faster.
Conformity of Production
If you receive a type approval your produced product must continue to conform with the approved type. We or a designated technical service (category C) will carry out a revision (Conformity of Production) to verify that you are able to manufacture your product in accordance with the type approved product.
After a revision, we issue a CoP-clearance with an expiry date. Before we issue a CoP-clearance we need documentation of the revision and invoice information.
Application form for Invoice information for Conformity of Production
Before the CoP-clearance expires, a new CoP-revision needs to be conducted. This requirements is applicable for all type approvals, both EU and UNECE-regulations.
In-service Conformity
Emission conformity is not only covered by the type approval itself, but continues throughout the life of the product. There are several types of in-service activities that are performed after a vehicle is put on the market.
To learn more about In-service Conformity, In-service Verification and In-service Monitoring or read or ISC reports.
Go to our page In-service Conformity.
Technical services
A technical service is an organisation or body that has been approved to carry out tests in connection with type approvals.
Learn more about technical services.
Fees for EU type approval activities
In accordance with regulation (EU) 2018/858, the Member States may charge fees for type approval activities and for designation and monitoring of technical services.