How do I know how much I should pay in bridge tolls?
When you drive through the control point, you will see the tolls payable for different vehicles on the information signs at the bridge. You can also find information on current tolls under the heading Different tolls for different vehicles.
At the end of each month, the Swedish Transport Agency sends out a payment slip to owners of vehicles registered in Sweden. If the vehicle is registered abroad, the Swedish Transport Agency has entrusted a notification partner to identify the owner of the vehicle, send out invoices to and obtain payments from the vehicle owner via EPASS24.
The invoice contains information on the number of times the vehicle drove past a control point in the previous calendar month and the total amount to pay. The amount must be in announced account no later than the date shown on the invoice.
If your vehicle is registered in Sweden
Via our online service for congestion tax and infrastructure charges (in Swedish only) you can keep track of how many tolling stations your vehicle has past and the invoices you need to pay.
In order to log on to the service you will need the vehicle registration number and authorisation code or your digital ID (e-legitimation). You will find the authorisation code (Behörighetskod) on your registration certificate.