- The bonus is calculated on the basis of a number of different parameters. Until July 11, 2022 there were different conditions for private individuals and companies.
- The bonus may be equal to a maximum of 25 per cent of the price charged for the new car when the car model was first introduced on the Swedish market.
- New cars that are licensed for use for the first time July 12, 2022 or later, get no bonus if the price, according to the Swedish Tax Agency's new car price list, is above 700,000 SEK.
- For pure electric cars and hydrogen cars with zero emissions, the highest possible bonus is
- 70,000 SEK if the car was licensed for use for the first time between April 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022.
- 50,000 SEK if car was is licensed for use for the first time on January 1, 2023 or later.
- For other cars, such as plug-in hybrids, the bonus decreases for every gram of carbon dioxide that the climate bonus car emits according to the Swedish vehicle register based on when it is licensed for use for the first time. If the car was licensed to use the forts time
- between April 1, 2021 and July 11, 2022, the bonus is calculated by starting at 45,000 SEK and deducting 583 SEK for every gram CO2 that the car emits
- between July 12, 2022 and December 31, 2022, the bonus is calculated by starting at 20,000 SEK and deducting 300 SEK for every gram CO2 that the car
- on January 1, 2023, the bonus is calculated by starting at 10,000 SEK and deducting 167 SEK for every gram CO2 that the car emits
- Until July 11, 2022, a bonus to a company may come up to a maximum amount of 35 per cent of the difference between the price charged for the new low emission vehicle when the car model is first introduced on the Swedish market, and the price of the nearest comparable new car*, if the price of the new low emission vehicle is higher than the price of the nearest comparable new car.
* Comparable car" refers, somewhat simplified, to a car of the same make and model, and with the same equipment as the low emission vehicle - but fossil-powered.