About the use of personalised licence plates outside Sweden

Personalised licence plates for use in Sweden are approved by the Swedish Transport Agency and can also be used abroad provided that they don't contravene local legislation.

When we approve personalised plates, we take several criteria under consideration. The personalised licence plate should be as neutral as possible. We will not approve:

  • Combinations of letters and/or numbers which can be perceived as offensive. We do not approve combinations that can refer to drugs, sex, profanity, religion, diseases, crime or politics.
  • Combinations of letters and/or numbers that are already in use
  • Combinations of letters and/or numbers that can be mistaken for an already existing licence plate
  • Combinations of letters and/or numbers that are trademarks

We cannot know in advance the meaning of every possible combination of letters or numbers in all foreign languages. Words that in some languages are non-offensive can in other languages be offensive.

If the Swedish Transport Agency is made aware that an issued personalised licence plate is offensive, the plate will be withdrawn.

Before your journey abroad

Other countries do not have the same system of personalised license plates and we therefore recommend that you use ordinary plates when you travel abroad. It is up to the receiving country to approve the personalised license plates are being used. Keep in mind to take into consideration the regulations that apply in the receiving country.

If you use the ordinary license plates, it should be reported to The Swedish Transport Agency. In that case, contact our customer service for vehicle inquiries on 0771-14 15 16 or via our contact form and report that the personalised license plate is to be resting. If you have electronic identification you should apply through the electronic services for personalised license plates.

Personalised plates
 (in Swedish) 

When you travel abroad you should always take part 1 of the registration certificate (the blue part). Should you choose to travel abroad with the personalised license plates, check that it is clear from the registration certificate that the vehicle has a personalised license plate connected to it. Make sure that the identity label (the blue sticker) is situated on the right-side window or another appropriate place.

Always bring the original license plates with you on your trip if you choose to travel with the personalised plates