In Sweden, in order to receive approval as a training leader, the applicant must

  • has turned 21 years old
  • have a valid driving license in category B issued within the EEA and has had such a driving license for a total of at least three of the last ten years
  • have such a driving license with the qualifications to which the education relates
  • is approved as a driving instructor
  • has worked as an approved driving instructor in a driving school for at least two years
  • has undergone higher education as a training leader, and
  • with regard to their personal circumstances can be considered suitable as a training leader.

An approval as a training leader includes the same driving license qualifications as the traffic instructor approval.

The content of the education

The education for education leaders must consist of a higher education course of at least 30 higher education credits, which includes the following subjects:

  • psychology / traffic psychology
  • pedagogy
  • work and personnel management
  • research methodology and development work
  • media and teaching aid knowledge
  • social and traffic development
  • constitutional knowledge
  • authoritys- and media contacts.