Health checks
As a train driver you must prove that you meet certain minimum requirements for physical and psychological evaluation. You can read more about health checks here.
Periodic health checks
Anyone with a driver's licence must undergo periodic health check at least every three years up to the age of 55. From the day the driver turns 55 years old, the health check must be carried out annually.
After your health check
If your health check fails, you will be notified by us of a withdrawal and information om how you can contact us. You as the train driver is responsible for the medical report being received by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Valid conditions - doctors and psychologists
Initial medical and occupational psychological examinations and periodic health checks of train drivers may only be carried out by doctors and psychologists who are approved by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Valid permissions – doctors and psychologists (in Swedish)
For health checks, the following forms can be used:
- Health declaration - train driver (filled in by the driver and signed by a doctor) (in Swedish)
- Medical report - train driver (to be filled in by a doctor) (in Swedish)
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