You are welcome to phone The Swedish Transport Agency and we will help you with your matters. The price to call our 0771-numbers depends on your mobile phone subscription and operator.

Customer services Telephone numbers
(From abroad you call +46 771 xx xx xx)
Questions about vehicles
Open hours: 9 AM–4 PM
0771-14 15 16
Text telephone: Questions about vehicles
Open hours: 9 AM–4 PM

020-600 600 or

Questions about driving licences
Open hours: 9 AM–4 PM
0771-81 81 81
Text telephone: Questions about driving licences

020-600 600 or

Questions about congestion taxes and infrastructure charges
Open hours: 9 AM–4 PM
0771-29 29 29
Questions about congestion taxes and infrastructure charges
Open hours: 9 AM–4 PM
010-495 64 91
Questions about commercial traffic
Open hours: 9 AM–11 AM and 1 PM–3 PM
0771-503 503
- Vessels (supervision, survey, etc.)
Open hours: 9 AM–12 AM 
0771-25 60 70
- Shipping personnel
Open hours: 9 AM–11 AM
0771-41 33 00

- Maritime accidents (emergency calls)

0771-52 00 52 (Duty Officer, TiB)
- Swedish Register of Ships
Open hours: 10 AM –12 PM
0771-898 898

The Swedish Transport Agency switchboard is open weekdays 8 AM–4.30 PM.

Switchboard Telephone numbers
Switchboard telephone number  0771-503 503
If you call from abroad +46 771 503 503