NDT board

The Transport Agency recognises DANDT as a national NDT board according to AMC 145.A.30(f)4.

The Transport Agency's decision

The Swedish Transport Agency decides on 15 September 2023 to recognise DANDT (Danish National Aerospace NDT Board), as NDT board for Swedish Part 145 organisations performing non-destructive testing on aircraft and/or components. Reference TSL 2022-5503.

Regulations and standards

Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, Annex II (Part 145), paragraph 145.A.30(f) states that organisations performing NDT on aircraft or components shall do so in accordance with a European or equivalent standard.

The standard mentioned in AMC 145.A.30(f) as the European standard is EN4179.

European standard EN4179 describes, among other things, the standards to which a national NDT board must adhere and its responsibility to approve and monitor the educational institutions that train and examine NDT personnel.

The definition of a National NDT Board is described in Annex C of EN4179.

Danish National Aerospace NDT Board (dandt.dk)

Note: Colored penetrant (contrast agent) examinations may be performed by personnel qualified to category B1, B3 or L of Annex III (Part-66) (Ref 145 A.30(f)).