UK Cabin Crew Attestation

UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation has on 1 January 2021, become a third-country document and is no longer valid on an aircraft operated by a CAT operator certified by EASA member state.

A holder of a UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation can still benefit from his/her initial training and examination if compleded before 1 January 2021 and within the past 60 months.

If a holder of a Cabin Crew Attestation issued by UK before 1 January 2021 want to benefit from their initial training and examination within EU. The holder need to apply for an EASA Cabin Crew Attestation either direct to Swedish Transport Agency or to an organization approved by Swedish Transport Agency to issue cabin crew attestaions. 

Read more about how to apply under Cabin Crew Attestation.

Crew qualification documents issued by the UK after 1 January 2021 are not valid in the EU. A holder of such a document must undergo the Initial Training and examination and apply for an issuance of a Cabin Crew Attestation to comply with Regulation (EU) 1178/2011.

More information on Brexit is available on the EASA website:

Following AOC/CCTO are approved to hold an cabin crew initial course and issue Cabin Crew Attestation:

List of approved organisation to issue Cabin Crew Attestation (in Swedish)